Read the English version lyrics of Mi Amor by Marioo featuring Jovial
“Mi Amor English Lyrics”
Mi amor
Mon amor
My love
Mi amor
What should I call you?
Nikwite jina gani mahabuba lazizi
My love
Mon amor
Ohh my love
Ohh mon amor
Kimamba on the beats
Heeey yeeeah
Baby heeey
Moyoni ulivyo ni kaa never seen beforeWhat you give me has never been seen before
Unavyo nipa never seen beforeThe rest of what
Wengine wa niniHooo la la la la la la laa
Hooo la la la la la laaNever seen before
Never seen beforeLet us all be until death
Tuwe wote mpaka kifoWhat a mango tree
Madunga embe wa nini
Hoo la la la la la la la la
Hoo la la la la la la laa
In the heat let me fly
Kwenye joto nipepee
In the cold I hugged you
Kwa baridi nikumbate
In the rain protect me
Kwenye mvua nikinge
Be in the shadows
Uwe mwamvuli
Nibebe nibebe honey
Nishushe mahabani
Nigege nigegeI’m in trouble
Mi kwako taabaniEeeeeeeeh
EeeeeeeehMy love
Mi amorWhat should I call you baby honey
Nikwite jina gani baby honeyMmh
MmhMy love
Mon amorEeeeeh
EeeeehMy love
Mi amorWhat should I call you?
Nikwite jina gani mahabuba lazizi
My love
Mon amor
Oooh my love
Oooh mon amor
Mi Amor Meaning In English

Mi Amor Meaning In English
Are you looking for an affectionate pet name for your sweetheart or lover? You could call them “Mi Amor” to show them how much you love them.
The expression “Mi Amor” translates from Spanish to “My love” or “My darling.” It’s a term of endearment to someone you love, like your partner, sweetheart, or lover.
The expression suits use in intimate settings where you want to get close to your partner. It also serves as a pet name for your lover, like “babe” or “baby.”
Hola, mi amor. ¿Cómo estás?
Hello, my love. How are you?
Buenos días, mi amor.
Good morning, honey.
Buenas tardes, mi amor.
Good afternoon, sweetheart.
Buenas noches, mi amor.
Good night, my love.
Stephanie kennedy
3 years ago
I love this my favourite